When it became time
for bed, the older sister showed me to my room. She said, Graziella
will be sleeping just down the hallway but I know my sister. If you
need an extra blanket, I will be in the bedroom just next to yours.
You need only tap on your wall and I will hear you and bring a blanket.
She repeated this so I would understand. Of course both girls spoke
perfect English and I had no trouble understanding them.
When the sister retired, I went across the hall to say goodnight to
Graziella. She told me she wanted to be a virgin for her marriage, which
I respected, even though I was a bit frustrated.
Can you imagine that it was not until the next day on the train back
to Milan that I realized what the older sister had been telling me,
when she said she knew her sister obviously knowing that I would be
frustrated and all I had to do was tap on the wall. How innocent could
I have been, or how infatuated with Graziella, or was it a mixture of
both? Anyway another friend showed up to see her sister so I may not
have missed much after all.